Creating An Irresistible Offer: Our 9 Steps Crafting The Perfect Offer

Jan 12, 2024

It seems like every day there is a new niche or service that has become 'saturated' and is no longer a viable space to build an agency in. But the thing is, there's no such thing as saturated niches or services but rather saturated offers.

If you want to get ahead of everyone else in the space and steal all the clients, you need to create an offer so good that prospects feel stupid saying no to it.

And that is exactly what this guide is all about! We're going to go over all the different things you need to craft the perfect offer and at the end, we'll piece it together so you can start dominating the space.

Ready? Let's dive in...

Step 1: Who Are You Targeting?

Before you even think about crafting your offer, you need to know exactly who you are going to target. If you have already worked with clients in the past and have got case studies, this part will be easy for you.

However, if you have no idea where to start and have no previous results, you will need to conduct market research first to discover your ICP.

Figuring out who you are going to target goes way deeper than just "software companies", you have to drill down as far as you can to find out everything about your ideal client.

Side note: It's really important you choose just one type of person to work with rather than having multiple. Not only is it easier to craft your offer for one person but you don't have to worry about making your offer apply to various types of people that could be experiencing different pain points.

Whenever we have to create a new offer for our clients, we ask them a set of questions about the ICP:

  1. What niche do you work with?

  2. What kind of person do you serve within that niche?

  3. What are the problems your niche is facing that you solve?

  4. What have they tried in the past?

  5. What is their current and desired situation?

  6. What are their current beliefs about your service?

For an offer to be good, it needs to resonate extremely well with the market you are targeting so it's essential you answer these questions with as much detail as possible.

If we look at our example of the marketing agency targeting software companies, instead of just saying "We work with software company owners who want to make $100k per month" they might say:

"We work with B2B enterprise software owners who are at the tipping point with their company. They have received a round of funding that has allowed them to build the foundations of their company, create a product that the industry needs and have a team around them that enables them to work on the business rather than in it. They are generating enough revenue to cover expenses but don't know how to effectively bring in high ticket deals that will take the business to the $100k p/m mark"

See how specific you need to be.

By being generic like the first example, you are actually targeting a whole range of different people. A software company owner could have just built their product last week and doesn't have a single paying customer yet but wants to scale to $100k per month.

Technically, they would still fit that targeting but the marketing agency can't necessarily serve them so it's vital you describe the exact kind of person you want to target with your offer.

Step 2: Creating The Outcome Of Your Offer

The whole reason someone buys into your offer is because of the outcome they receive from it, they want to bridge the gap between point A and point B.

However, the outcome of your service is not always the prospect's desired situation (although you may market it that way). Your outcome should be focused on solving one or more of the problems that contribute to their overall desired outcome.

For example:

  • We'll bring you 3 new clients per month

  • We'll add $10k p/m in new revenue

  • We'll bring you 10k new YouTube subscribers

However, these are just things you deliver, not necessarily what your niche wants.

So let's break down exactly how you can turn the things you deliver into an outcome of your offer.

Again, whenever we do this for clients we ask the following questions:

  1. What is the big claim you can make to prospects?

  2. How can you make this claim numbers-based?

  3. Where will someone be after you solve their problem?

  4. Why is it important they achieve this outcome?

  5. How does this outcome move them closer to their desired situation?

You will notice when you answer these questions that things will overlap especially if the outcome of your service is the prospect's desired outcome and that is to be expected. This points out the most important things for you to focus on in your offer.

Let's take a look at our example again, they might say:

"We ensure software companies never have to worry about where the next customer is going to come from by predictably bringing 50 new customers per month."

You want to be very clear with what it is you are offering and what situation the prospect will be in after working with you.

Step 3: Creating a Method

At first, this step might seem a bit pointless but it's going to be key in step 4 which is all about creating your unique mechanism.

You are going to list out everything you need to do for a client in order to get results. If you are running a Done-With-You (DWY) service then you'll also need to list things the client will need to do.

The idea of this stage is to understand exactly how you deliver results to clients so you can easily explain it to prospects.

This is how we structure lists for our clients:

  1. What are the main steps you take to get results for clients?

  2. How do each of these steps contribute to getting results?

  3. What are the most and least important steps to getting results?

  4. Can the least important steps be removed while still achieving the end result?

Then we take the list and re-create it in the simplest way possible using language a 5-year-old could understand and only include the most important steps of the process.

For example:

  1. Create a target audience

  2. Craft ad creatives

  3. Launch campaigns

  4. Close deals

  5. Scale

We also like to take this a step further by creating a unique name for our service to package everything together nicely. So if you were offering influencer marketing, you could call your service a "3-step ambassador program".

Even though you are offering the same as many other people, it sounds unique because you gave it a unique name

Step 4: Enhancing Your Methodology

In this stage, you are going to list every reason why someone would choose to work with you over one of your competitors. Other than offering a no-brainer guarantee, this is the best method to stand out from the crowd.

For a prospect to pull the trigger and buy your stuff, they need to have an immense amount of confidence in your ability to achieve results. We do this by removing any possible obstacles or friction that could create any doubt in their mind about your service.

The idea is to predict any objections someone could have to your solution and reverse engineer them to come up with a solution. This way they have no reason to not believe what you are capable of.

This is our step-by-step process:

  1. List every objection or concern someone might have with each step of the list you created in step 3

  2. Create a solution for each of these problems

  3. Simplify the solution so anyone can understand it

For example:

An object could be "It takes too much time to create new ad creatives" and the solution could be "We do all the ideation and script writing for creatives so you just have to record them."

Important note: DO NOT try to solve any problems that you are not capable of solving otherwise you will land yourself in a bad situation later down the line when you can't deliver on what you promised.

Step 5: Setting A Time Frame

People like to get things fast. The faster you are able to deliver a result the more valuable your offer seems to a prospect and therefore the more likely they are to buy.

However, at this stage a lot of marketers like to stick to the generic 90 or 180 days but all this does is blend you in with everyone else and could make your offer less valuable than it actually is.

So we follow this method to figure out exactly how long it takes to deliver results without being unrealistic:

  1. How long does it realistically take you to bring the results you are promising to clients?

  2. Why does it take you this amount of time to deliver results?

  3. How could you reduce the time it takes to see an outcome?

As with every other step in creating your offer, it's essential that you take your time to really think about these questions. You don't want to accidentally devalue your offer by saying it will take much longer to see results than it actually would but you also don't want to overpromise on something you can't deliver.

The word realistic keeps getting brought up and for a good reason, if you promise to deliver a result in 14 days but you know in 99% of cases it's going to take 45 days, use the second one. You always want to underpromise and over-deliver, not the other way around.

Step 6: Creating a Risk Reversal

The easiest way to instantly make your offer 10x more valuable is by removing all the risk from the prospect and putting it on yourself. In short, you need to provide a guarantee.

Yes, it can be scary offering a guarantee but realistically if you didn't get clients the result you promised, you'd refund them anyway (if you care about your reputation) so you are probably offering one without even saying so.

The idea of the guarantee is that the prospect feels like they are going to be in the same or a better position than they are now meaning that if everything went wrong and you weren't able to deliver the promised results they wouldn't lose anything other than time.

Unless you have a ridiculous amount of social proof and are regarded as the top player in the space, you need a guarantee.

If you aren't comfortable providing a guarantee, chances are you need to create a better product that gives you enough confidence that it can deliver results.

There are loads of different types of guarantees that you can choose from and the one you choose will be down to the service you provide, how much work you do vs what the client does etc.

Here are some of the most common ones:

  • 100% Money back

  • Continue working for free after X amount of time

  • Pay-on-performance only

  • Partial refund based on performance

  • You pay them if they don't achieve the claim

Or a combination of multiple of these.

Your guarantee has to be as simple as possible and in plain English.

For example:

"We'll give you all your money back if you don't get at least 500 new customers in 6 months."

However, if you are still weary about including a guarantee, you aren't alone. We hear this all the time from clients so this is how we break it down to them.

If you end up having to refund 2x the number of clients you did before because you didn't deliver the promised result but you were able to sign 4x in the first place because of the guarantee then it was worth your time creating one as you'll still be making double the amount of revenue with one than without.

Step 7: Creating A Best And Worst Case Scenario

Now we are going to create an emphasis around your guarantee so the prospect literally has no reason not to give you a go. We do this by creating a comparison between the best and worst-case scenarios a prospect could experience by working with you.

The idea is that no matter what the outcome of working with you is, they will still be in a better position than they were before.

Best-Case Scenario

What is the prospect going to get out of working with you if everything goes to plan?

For example:

"Best case scenario, you add an extra 100 customers per month to your platform and reduce your churn rate by at least 50% without having to put in any extra effort or hire any new team members"

Worst Case Scenario

What benefits will the prospect receive even if everything goes totally wrong with your service?

For example:

"Worst-case scenario, you walk away with all of our internal systems for predictably running paid ads campaigns that can bring 50-100 customers per month on autopilot along with having a new ICP, landing page and creatives that your team can implement"

This comparison can be really useful in sales calls or even as an angle in your marketing to get prospects to book a call.

Step 8: Positioning Your Offer

We're almost at the finish line but before we can put our final offer together we need to create a strong positioning for our service so it stands out from all the other companies offering the exact same thing.

The idea is to position your service in a way that describes the outcome the prospect will receive if they choose to work with you. There's a variety of different ways you can do this such as using metaphors and similes but really you just want to describe the situation the prospect will be in at the end.

Almost every service now has some kind of negative connotation associated with it meaning that if you position your offer as your service, prospects will be turned away instantly.

Take Facebook Ads for example, so many companies shy away from using agencies because they are used to having their money wasted.

An average agency struggling to stand out could use "We run Facebook ads campaigns for ecom businesses"

Instead, you could position it as "We'll help you scale to over 10,000 customers with each one costing less than a bottle of water".

Notice the difference?

The second one is so much more appealing as it says exactly what the prospect will receive, calls out their pain points and doesn't mention how you do it.

Step 9: Finalising Your Offer

Now that you've got all the pieces of the puzzle, you can finally craft your finished offer. There is a specific formula we use to create all our offers which we will go over in a minute but there's something important we should cover first.

People buy into offers because it is going to take them from point A to point B. When you create your offer you need to position it as a transformation as that is exactly what people are looking for. If you just state your service along with a random number a guru online told you was good, you're not going to make it.

You need to use a combination of all the steps in this guide to ensure you create the best possible offer that resonates so well with the market and achieves the transformation your prospects are looking for.

Anyway, let's take a look at the formula we use.

"We help {target audience} achieve {outcome} in {time framer} using our {mechanism} {guarantee}"

Now, this is just a formula so what would it look like in practice? Here's an example:

"We help enterprise software companies stuck at $20k p/m add an extra 100 paying customers in 28 days using our 3-tier customer acquisition program. Best part? You only pay when you see results!"

This offer is great because it calls out a specific segment of a market, targets a specific pain point the market has, states how soon they will see results, and removes all the risk from them.

You'll notice that there are certain components that weren't used such as the best/worst case scenario. This is simply because it would be too much information to squeeze into a short offer but you are more than welcome to change up our formula to make your own so it includes things we missed out.

The other components are also really good for supporting your offer in a situation like a sales call where you have to convince the prospect that your offer is better than any other one they have heard of. For example, you could use the best/worst-case scenario as an objection-handling technique when someone is concerned about what happens if everything goes wrong.


The key to building a successful client acquisition system is crafting an offer so good that the prospect feels stupid saying no to it. If you followed each step in this guide, you should now have an offer that will help take your client acquisition efforts to a whole new level and hopefully take your agency to that next level.

If you are an agency owner making at least $20k p/m in revenue and need help booking qualified calls and closing deals, check out this video.

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