How To Book More Calls With Cold Email Without Any Secret Scripts or Strategies

Dec 15, 2023

Cold email is by far one of the best cold outreach strategies for booking calls. With over 4 Billion people using email every day, you can get your offer in front of the right person with minimal effort. Whether you're just getting started in the B2B space or you run a $1B company, cold email is the perfect place to find your first or next client. Cold email is also extremely inexpensive, on average we spend about $400 a month to maintain our cold email system which makes it easy for anyone to get started with.

However, if something in business has a low barrier to entry, everyone and their dog is doing it. Cold email is no exception. In the last year, there has been tonnes of new cold email agencies popping up all over the place sending out low quality emails that has been giving cold email a bad rep and making it increasingly difficult to set appointments.

Luckily, you can slice through the noise and set yourself apart from everyone else by simply implementing a few simple steps. In this article, we're going to go through exactly how you can book more calls with cold email by simply improving your social presence and creating sales assets. We used these exact strategies to go from a 0.3% meeting booked rate to just over 1% in less than 4 months.

1: Create A Cold Email Specific Landing Page

Most companies will already have a landing page that includes a bit about themselves, what they offer, previous results etc which is essential but this won't convert well for cold email. But why? Your current website is not a sales asset, it's not designed to get people on the phone it just gives people information about you.

This is where a cold email-specific landing page comes in. In general, we follow this set structure:

  1. Big headline containing a bold offer

  2. A VSL (More on this later)

  3. A call to action

  4. Case studies

  5. Testimonials

  6. Another call to action

This can either be a completely new website on a different domain or you can create a new page on your website. This landing page doesn't have to be anything fancy, some of the best converting landing pages have been the ones that are a 5/10 in looks but follow the right structure and have an amazing VSL.

The key to this working properly is to have as much social proof as possible on your landing page. This could be testimonials, video case studies, written case studies, social content etc. The more social proof you have on there the more authority you have.

All your cold email outreach accounts should redirect to this landing page. Most people don't realise just how many people copy the domain from the email and paste it into their browser to find out who you are. Just last month we had nearly 500 people check out our landing page just from cold email. By redirecting all your email accounts to this new landing page you'll make sure anyone doing this is seeing the right thing.

2: Build A Social Presence On The Number 1 B2B Platform

LinkedIn is like your personal profile for cold email. If someone wants to find out who you are and what you do, the first thing they do is check out your LinkedIn. We know this because on a large number of the sales calls we've taken, the prospect has said they checked out our LinkedIn before getting on the call.

If you can't be found on LinkedIn or you don't have an optimised profile, you'll struggle to book calls with bigger companies. Here's what you need for a well-optimised profile:

  1. High-quality banner - should include the company logo and not be filled with words

  2. A good profile picture which includes your face - nothing illustrated

  3. A non-sales headline - we have just our job title and company

  4. A well-written summary going over what your company offers - this should be a mini funnel

  5. Post at least once a week about relevant information in your industry

  6. Add any relevant skills, education, experience etc.

If you include all of these things you have a well-optimised profile. You should also think about optimising your LinkedIn business page as this is something a lot of people higher up in the business world will look at for things such as employee count etc.

If you want to go the extra mile, get everyone in your team to create branded LinkedIn accounts. This will make your brand stand out on LinkedIn and create a much stronger presence.

3: Create a High Converting VSL

A VSL or video sales letter is a video that will go at the top of your landing page which is designed to get prospects to book a call. VSLs come in a variety of different formats but most of the time they are explaining a particular problem your prospects face and how they can solve it (either by doing it themselves or by hiring you).

Below you will see the exact structure we used to create our VSL which has a 70% click-through rate and helped one of our clients achieve a 70% meeting booked rate.

A VSL should be around 10-20 minutes long and include the following things:

  1. Niche-Specific Headline (This will be at the top of the landing page)

  2. Reference The Headline

  3. Social Proof and Case Studies

  4. Identification (Who are you targeting)

  5. Background Story & Credibility

  6. Core Concept

  7. Option 1 or 2

  8. Benefits

  9. Features (How does it work?)

  10. Call To Action

We have a full guide going over exactly how you can create a high converting VSL including how to write, record and deliver your VSL. Check it out here.

If you are looking for an example, check out our VSL on our landing page.

The number 1 benefit of having a VSL is it allows the prospect to spend time with you and build a personal connection with you without you even having to talk to them. They feel like they know you and they automatically trust you more now they can put a face to the name.

The more video content you have across your site, the stronger of a connection the prospect builds with you making it much easier to sell to them when you eventually get onto a call.

4: Create Content That Does All The Selling

As mentioned in the previous section about creating a VSL, you need to have as much video content as possible to build up trust with your prospects before they get on a call. We take a multiprong approach to this by posting on every platform and repurposing content.

Besides having the benefits of building an audience you can sell to, these are also a very easy places for your prospects to find you. Think about the process someone may go through if they receive a cold email from you:

  1. Read your email and are interested

  2. Watch to check your website out to make sure you're legit

  3. Find on your website a YouTube channel with free content

  4. Check out that content that gives you authority and instantly trust you 10x more

  5. Book a call

Each video you post can act as a mini VSL that proves you know exactly what you are talking about and you have real results. There are loads of different types of videos you can post but the best tend to be student interviews and how-to guides. Your videos only need to be 10-20 mins each and also don't need to be anything fancy. The best-performing videos tend to be the ones where it's just you being genuine and providing value.


Cold email is the best way to reach your ideal prospects because every checks their emails multiple times per day. Running your own cold email campaigns goes far beyond writing copy, scraping leads and sending emails. Cold email includes all the things you can't see such as your social media presence, sales assets and landing pages. If you want to succeed in cold email and achieve meeting booked rates of 1% or above then you need to implement these systems.

If you are struggling with client acquisition and want someone to come in and solve your entire lead generation and sales system, book a call with us here.

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